Carcassonne:  Saint-Nazaire and Saint-Celse.

1. The Berenger in Berenger de Rochefort, Bishop in 1209.
Siege of Carcassonne
  It was the worst of times. 

2.  The Rochefort in Berenger de Rochefort. 
Why and how did he disappear at the siege of Carcassonne in 1209.
Noble families, Cathar ties.
Afterwards, reinstated as fully "Catholic?" The name bounces back.

Track the names. More possible links, despite centuries.
Carcassonne. Rennes-le-Chateau.

Bishop Berenger of Rochefort. We know little as to his tenure but his name is of interest. Berenger. Is the name mere coincidence, in that it also is the first name of the priest at Rennes-le Chateau centuries later, of treasure fame.  How about the Rochefort? Do these old families and places, noble houses, still carry any significance to sleuthing.

Berenger de Rochefort was Bishop in 1209 at the Cathedral of Saint Nazaire and Saint Celse at Carcassonne, when the walled city was taken by the Roman Catholic Crusaders of Pope Innocent III.  He is listed as the 19th bishop of the see, on one of numerous wall plaques at Carcassonne, Saint-Nazaire, commemorating the roster.  Is that 1202-1209?  Did he die?  Leave? Disappear?  Was he ushered out?  If he had been ushered out, even in disgrace (who knows), would his name still be entitled to remain.

Carcassonne, Saint-Nazaire, chronology of Bishops. Berenger de Rochefort 1202 1209. There at the siege of Carcassonne, Albigensian Crusade.

  •  The Crusade was designed to and did exterminate the other Christians in the area, a Cathar or Albigensian group that refused to follow Roman Catholic ritual, dogma, and hierarchy rules.  That church then was remodeled several times, with some vestiges of the earliest structure remaining, until it was demoted in 1803 to the mere Basilica Saint-Nazaire. By that time, a new Gothic Saint Michel Cathedral had been built. Cathars had co-existed peacefully with Roman Catholics and others.  Acting against them required bringing in Crusaders from outside, especially those who returned having failed at the Holy Land.

1.  Berenger.

The name Berenger de Rochefort:  The coincidence is that it was Francois Berenger Sauniere, Abbe at Rennes-le-Chateau beginning 1885, who apparently found or obtained access to some sort of treasure or documents of worth. He suddenly began renovating the parish, living high, and engaging in activities not consistent with Catholic orthodoxy.  See the Timeline at http:// www.benhamm

  • The Timeline shows that possibility of a connection between these two Berengers to be remote and more like happenstance, in that some 650 years had passed between the Cathar-era Berenger and the Roman Catholic priest at the small parish.  
  • Would, however, the presence of a Berenger at Rennes-le-Chateau encourage the confessor of Maria de Negri D'Ables to conceal her documents there?
  • Was Berenger Sauniere who found whatever he found, partially or completely (?) converted to a Cathar mindset in rejecting ritual required by the Roman Church -- did he become persuaded by what he found.  If his family had been sympathetic in the long memory of such things, why not.  
  • Sleuth on. 

And the apparent source of the treasure-documents, the last "known" holder, was one Maria de Negre D'Ables of Cathar family and castle heritage, who may or may not have entrusted them to her confessor at her death in 1789. She was living at the time at Chateau Hautpol, there at the village of Rennes-le-Chateau.

Still to be researched.  Was Bishop Berenger, whose tenure ended so suddenly in 1209, a sympathizer with the Christian Cathars, as many Roman Catholics were before the Crusade was unleashed against the Cathars for not following Roman ritual and dogma.  Before, none of that mattered except to Rome.  Neighbors were neighbors. If that was his mindset after serving in the Carcassonne community, could he and other sympathizers in Carcassonne have aided in the Cathars' removal of their property as best they could on short notice.  Or was he killed?  This was a time of betrayals and killing;  siege, expulsion, and requisition of all property of the Cathars to the Pope.  What if a bishop disagreed.

After Berenger de Rochefort, another Rochefort takes over:  A Bernard Raymond de Rochefort takes over in 2009 without comment as to the intervening events. See the list of successions from Saint-Nazaire:  now just another "basilica." Apparently the entire Rochefort group was not tainted, even if Berenger had been.

2.  Rochefort.

Rochefort is also the name of a later August de Labouisse-Rochefort, who recorded a story of the times, much embellished and legendized, but see The Devil's Treasure at There, the story is credited with starting the "urban legend" of the treasure; but with a Berenger connection and other geneologies pointing to Cathar origins and sympathies, can we look again.  Rochefort.  See also
Note the mention in the story of Blanchefort -- isn't that one of the Marie de Negri D'Abli heritage castles?  Have to check.  If so, and the owner is upset at people coming on his property, shall we all go have a look?

Religious histories of genocide, or at the least, extermination of dissenters.  Is that supposed to be acceptable, unaccountable, even now? See

The name in itself, "Berenger" in the chronology of bishops, puts him in the Catholic camp probably, but we already know that Catholics in the area lived compatibly with the peaceable and non-ritualistic Albigensians or Cathars.

How does this relate to the later stories of a treasure appearing at the disposal of a little-known parish priest at Rennes-le-Chateau centuries later, someone of the same name.

Carcassonne did not merely "surrender."  People fled, there was fighting. Accounts vary, see ; and facts turned to tales and from there into legend.  What kernels are reliable? Here is another timeline:  Simon de Montfort was relentless, see his siege at the town of Termes at  Any sympathizer would go into hiding. To us today, Cathar beliefs seem to foster co-existence, tolerance, paratge as they would say -- courtesy and respect.  To the Roman Catholic church, however, autonomy threatened its very dogmatic foundations and must be rooted out. See

Ask, at least, what happened to the wealth that was at least portable when the citizens fled the night before the Crusaders came, when they learned that their Count (Count Raymond-Roger Trencavel) had been taken prisoner under flag of truce?  If it was portable, it may have left.  Parts unknown, and Templars were all over Europe at that time -- did it go to Austria, Scandinavia, where?  Templars remained a viable entity until the early 1300's.

Is it plausible that treasure was left in town, was Bishop Berenger sympathetic or not to the Cathars.  Who canf find a site for him?

What was left in his parish town, hidden.  The flight of the able left only the infirm, the women and children, the unable to flee, in the city to be driven out naked if appears, and the crusaders ran rampant over the ramparts.  How about the property that could not be taken by the others?  We know they all lost their lands to the Pope.  Was there also gold in them-thar-cityplaces. Is that one source of a trove later to go to Berenger at Rennes-le-Chateau, courtesy of the means of Berenger, Bishop of Carcassonne when it fell?

Ask if this name Berenger, Bishop on the rolls at the time of the attack on Carcassonne, is connected to why a later cleric of the same name, Berenger, at a small parish located nearby, is the recipient of a mystery treasure trove from Carcassonne or other Cathar sources, where there are other Cathar-era connections also to point the way.  See on.htm

These armies were horrendous in a local setting.  They were being hurled by a militarist Pope Innocent III, who had been embarrassed by failed crusades, against Christian Cathars in southwest France.  Other crusades were unleashed with equal un-Christian ferocity against northern Europeans, but that was a more remote area.  This Albigensian genocide brought back to mainstream Europe a lust for exterminating those who disagree with church dogma.  The method had been fostered by with Charlemagne executing Saxons who refused to convert centuries ago.  Killing those who disagree with dogma had become the method du jour to force converts and conduct property-grabs for the newly separated Roman branch of Christianity.

How else to keep power?  The Roman church's break from the rest of the Christian world, the Eastern Orthodox Christians, had occurred in 1054. Crusades in Palestine had ensued immediately, not only to "free" Palestine, but to loot; and after an initial success, later crusades failed. Did returning failed Crusaders need ego boosts (we now know that even voting for a losing candidate reduces testosterone - sidelight, see

 Regardless, the returning failed Crusaders presented bodies, training, experience and gusto.  And there was the lovely and prosperous Languedoc. And a Pope in need of some victories. The Languedoc, South of France area, was already peopled by Christians, but no matter. There was property and people:  go get 'em.  Cathars also were in the North of France, but the Crusade was aimed at the south-west.

This large, walled city, full of Christian Cathars (Albigensians) as well as Christian Catholics and the usual rest of us of some or no conviction, was targeted by Pope Innocent III for siege by his Crusaders at the outset of the Albigensian Crusade he had called.  With all the sites on the Albigensian Crusades and the Cathars, this time go first to good old Wikipedia at  Then move to research on related topics.

Unless some mole has changed things, the Wiki site offers a fine overview, including clear notice of the abject failure of the Pope to convert Cathars by example and preaching.  Accordingly, he resorted to violence and genocide. The official dates of the Crusade are 1209-1229, but harassment, excommunications, and other actions against Cathars (who lived peaceably with their neighbors)

Why care?  Care because the Rennes-le-Chateau Berenger has been moved from the hallowed church graveyard to unhallowed ground.  Some descendant was offended?  Is Dogma ever "true'?

What if it is so, that the Berenger of Carcassonne in 1209, felt no enmity toward the Christian Cathars who were forced out, and kept some of their treasures and later another, Cathar-sympathetic, returned them home.  Go, Rennes-le-Chateau.  There are some who say that the fortune originated with Archishop Ferdinan.  Does that matter?  Templars were all over Europe, until decimated by the Pope and King of France for financial gain.

So, some ended up in Austria?  Same difference.  Home to roost.

Next issue:  The priest, Berenger Sauniere.  Please put him back in hallowed ground. Whose is the travesty, the sin, the heresy, if not the Crusade against the Cathars to begin with. Any crusade.  Argue it, ye idealists who think institutions should be held accountable for crimes against humanity.  Why should a much later descendant be able to do that kind of removal?

Will someone please re-inter Berenger Sauniere in hallowed ground. Or, perhaps, as a Cathar, in later times, Berenger himself could care less. Those kinds of trumped up rituals and dogma are meaninless. Would he say that?

The roster of bishops at Saint-Nazaire from early Christian times is documented at the church even now: The earliest may this Silvestre from 653 AD.

Te Berenger name as Bishop is confirmed in the Catholic Dioces of Carcassonne records as shown at  My interest stops at the conclusion of the Albigensian genocide.

 Here is the group of Bishops immediately preceding that travesty:

Does this slab at Carcassonne, with its arches and Templar-like figures, direct us to a church?  Have to find the translation and photo of the full explanatory plaque at the left. 

And the stories, oh, the stories, see


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Orientation. France to Spain this time. The Car-Dan car this time.

Car-Dan Tour Company rental car.  Drive modestly, park easily.

I.  Car-Dan, our ersatz duo tour company that exists in our own minds,  began by focusing on one country, one trip.  Now, we cross borders at will. As to France, this post represents the conclusion of our second road trip in France, each finding different destinations.  In navigating here, find our earliest ventures at the first set of posts:  Paris, the Somme, Normandy, the Loire, and Central France to Dijon, and back to Paris.


Saint Jean Pied de Port. Basque country.  Distinctive deep-red shutters, peaked roofs, white stucco. 

Saint-Jean-de-Port, Basque house facade

This strategic medieval area has served interests of the military, traders, pilgrims on the way to Santiago de Compostela in Spain (Way of Saint James), invaders and defenders -- Christians and Saracens and others in that centuries-earlier conflict.

Lourdes. Mary, appearing to Bernadette. A tale of competing dogmas, and a child hidden away.

The story of a saint kept from her own healing. Not allowed to heal herself.

Lourdes and Doctrinal Bootstrap. A convenient affirmation of new dogma.

A child put in a convent and hidden away. Why?

Is the institution enacting its own agenda? The angle fits.

1. Background.

Dan Widing at gates, Chateau de Pau, France. Pau Castle

The Bourbon family came into its own with its first king in this ruling dynasty.  Henri IV was born here, born Catholic, raised Calvinist. It is 1553.   Hurry the mother, one Protestant Jeanne D'Albret, whose father is Henry II of Navarre and whose mother is sister to King Francis I of France.  Hurry her by carriage down winter roads from Paris.

Pau, France. Chateau de Pau. Birthplace of Henri IV

The first fortifications at Pau date from the 11th Century, and the hilltop location was the seat of bishops, counts and viscounts. There were (are) dungeons, and an early legislative body like a house of lords perhaps convened here.

In 1553, Henry IV was born here.  He was an heir but not established as the sole legitimate heir -- others had claims-- to the throne.


D'Artagnan, War Dead, and Cathedral

Auch.  How to pronounce a Gascon city name, a regional capital.  It is not ouch as in ET with a hurt, but instead (long-o) Osh. See The appearance of the word is German, but so far we see no connection.

Auch has a splendid history with Basque roots, and Roman, and BCE tribes. A favorite son of Auch is fictitious: D'Artagnan, of Alexandre Dumas' Three Musketeers fame.

The Battle of Toulouse in 1814 was one of the British Wellington's lesser claims to fame in the Napoleonic Wars. Napoleon was already about to abdicate, and Wellington's armies and allies suffered far greater casualties than the French. See

Toulouse, France. Battle of Toulouse 1814, commemorative relief.

Emmanuel, Comte de Las Cases 1766-1842. He was a fine historian, and great creator of atlases. He admired Napoleon greatly.

Toulouse: Religious Wars and Milestones

From haven to slaughter.  Toulouse stands for protection and sustenance for pilgrims, and for the killing of those other Christians, dissenters from dogma, that the institutional church found threatening to its authority:  Albigensians, or Cathars.

Basilica of Saint Sernin, Toulouse, France

Toulouse is a waystation for pilgrims on the Way of Saint James, the medieval route to Santiago de Compostela in Spain, said to be the burial place of Saint Ja,es.

Enough people cared about the brutal end of the Cathars in the Languedoc to keep representations of it in this church, Saint-Alain at the now-backwater town of Lavaur. See the paintings here.They preserve the crusades' brutal history, but are ignored.

Church of Saint-Alain. 

Malignant Neglect. An Ugly Old War-Horse Fortress

Obfuscates a Violent History.

Nice Jaquemart in the Clock Tower.

Saint-Alain, Lavaur, France. Rotting. Built 1244.  Bishopric 1317-1802.  Albigensian Crusade coverup and fall-out.
Black Madonna
Black Madonna
Black Madonna
Mont St. Michel, France
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1. Travel, improvised road trips. Two on the Loose: EUROPE ROAD WAYS. How we do it; (click) Europe Road Ways, How We Do It; and Europe Road Ways on the Web. Blogs for countries visited: Andorra Road Ways, Austria Road Ways, Belgium Road Ways, Bosnia Road Ways, China Road Ways (Jon's trip), Croatia Road Ways, Czech Republic Road Ways, Denmark Road Ways, England Road Ways, France Road Ways, Germany Road Ways, Greece Road Ways (Carol and Jon), Hebrides Road Ways, Hungary Road Ways, Ireland Road Ways, Italy Road Ways, Liechtenstein Road Ways, Luxembourg Road Ways, Montenegro Road Ways, Netherlands Road Ways, Norway Road Ways, Orkney Road Ways, Poland Road Ways, Romania Road Ways, Russia Road Ways Moscow, Russia Road Ways St.Petersburg, Scotland Road Ways, Sicily Road Ways, Slovakia, Slovenia Road Ways, Spain Road Ways, including Gibraltar, Sweden Road Ways, Switzerland Road Ways, Trieste Road Ways, Wales Road Ways;
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